3 Basic Fat Loss Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make.

3 Basic Fat Loss Mistakes You Don’t Have to Make.

I eat the whole thing

Losing weight can be a difficult task to undertake for some people. Dieting, exercising, and tracking calories are all factors that may come into play when deciding how to lose weight healthily.

When you feel like you’re making healthy lifestyle choices, but are not getting the results you want, that’s when you’re in trouble.

While it may be true that you are following outdated or misguided advice, it might also be the case that your expectations are not properly aligned with reality. If this is the case, then you may never see the desired changes.


Focusing on the Scale

Focusing only on the scale is the problem, without looking at anything other than this, is a recipe for disaster.

How hard is it to not focus on a scale?

One of the drawbacks to weight loss is that it can often be a slow process.

This can make it easy to get discouraged or discouraged by trying to focus too much on the scale. When you concentrate too much on weight, you may also lose focus on things like eating healthier, exercising, and getting quality sleep.

By focusing on these other aspects of your lifestyle and not so much on the scale, you are more likely to have greater success.

You’ve changed your diet and lifestyle and you wonder why the number on the scale doesn’t move.

When the scale doesn’t budge, it means that you are losing body fat while simultaneously building muscle or you’re doing something wrong.

Scale weight is affected by several factors, including fluid fluctuations, muscle mass gain, and the weight of undigested food.

The number on the scale is only a piece of the puzzle when it comes to weight change. It can be easy to feel like you aren’t losing weight fast enough, despite following a healthy lifestyle.

Your body may be losing fat even if the scale reading doesn’t change much. Some people experience a weight plateau where the number on the scale stays around the same, but your clothes and measurements show that you are getting smaller.

Weight is influenced by several things, including fluid fluctuations and the amount of food that remains in your system.

Weight may fluctuate around 2 to 4 pounds over a few days, depending on factors like how much food and liquid you’ve consumed

Also, hormonal changes in women can lead to greater water retention, which is reflected in the weight you see on the scale.

Measuring yourself with a tape measure and taking monthly pictures of yourself can indicate if you’re losing fat, even if the scale number doesn’t change much.


Some Ideas for ‘How To Stop Weighing Yourself’.

Smash the scale!

It just doesn’t make any sense that one number can represent your health and fitness. Get rid of it and start living a healthier life.


Hide the scale. 

If giving up the scale completely feels overwhelming, you can place it somewhere out of sight and take baby steps by attempting to go without it for a day or two.



Use your scale as a prompt to journal what you have or have not done recently. Use this information to review and update your daily routines.


Your Portion Size is Too Big

To lose weight and reach your weight goal, you should be limiting your food intake to 1250 calories per day.

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to walk down a street without being offered a large drink from at least one of the many fast food outlets or coffee shops. It seems that almost everyone has become accustomed to these very large portion sizes.

This applies to the quantity of food we eat.

I have found that the simplest method is usually the one that I will stick too. Its also the fastest way to get where you want to go.


Fast & Simple Methods to Reduce Your Portion Size.

Reduce Your Drink Size.

Take a look at your beverage container. Is it SUPER SIZED? 

Most likely your drink container is too big, even if it’s not super-sized you are most likely drinking from a large container. 

No excuses, it’s time to DOWN SIZE. That’s right, toss that container and use a smaller version. No More large drinks and no going back for seconds, thirds, and for many of us a whole lot more.


Change Your Serving Plate Size.

We are creatures of habit and we tend to maximize the stuff we place in our environment. That’s right we all have a little squirrel inside of us.

Notice how much people around you maximize the food on their plates when it comes to feed time. That’s some scary stuff.

It’s simple to reduce your portion size when you use a smaller plate and bowl. 

Again, just don’t go back for more. And here is one more to round out some fast & simple methods to reduce your portion size.


Use Smaller Utensils.

Start using smaller forks, spoons, and knives, it will take you longer to eat. Yes, that’s a good thing.

Plus each mouthful of food you place into your mouth will be smaller. That’s a mind game that works.


Your Eating Too Many Carbs

Carbohydrates are an essential component of a healthy meal, but only in limited quantities. When consumed in excess and without the right type of carbohydrates, dieters can gain weight and their bodies will go into fat-storing mode.

Without any fat or fiber to slow the absorption of carbohydrates, these types of foods could cause spikes and crashes in your blood sugar, which can also make you feel hungry.

When your blood sugar is spiking, your pancreas produces insulin to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. The more insulin in your blood, the more your body converts carbs to fat that then gets stored in your body. 

When you feel hungry, your body’s natural response is to feel deprived and overeat.

Oftentimes, this fat is stored in your belly. If you continue to eat a lot of carbohydrates, the resulting high insulin levels reduce your body’s ability to burn that stored fat.


Carbs to Avoid

Rice, pasta and bread, crackers, fruit, and juices are a great place to start.

There you have it. 3 Basic Fat Loss Mistakes that everyone has made at some point.


No need to be embarrassed or depressed, just decide on one mistake that you want to correct. Make a plan that you think you could follow then get going.