How Many Calories Are There In Wine? Which Wine is Best, is it Important?

How Many Calories Are There In Wine? Which Wine is Best, is it Important?

Calories in Wine

Calories In Wine?

How many Calories in Wine are in a 5 oz glass of wine?

What does a glass of wine cost you in terms of your diet?

Wine is nothing more than a mixture of water, alcohol, and grape flavors.

So, the calories in wine should be easy to determine.

Winemakers begin producing wine by crushing the grapes and then adding yeast to activate the fermenting process and then yeast converts the sugar (here are some of your calories in wine, but..) and oxygen in the juice into ethyl alcohol.

Since water contains no calories, fat, or carbohydrates and the grape flavor represents a very small percentage of the total calories in wine.

The sugars in the grapes are gone since they have been converted into alcohol, so essentially all of the food values you are consuming come from the alcohol and the alcohol alone.

The four sources of energy for your body come from fat, proteins, carbohydrates, and alcohol.

Unlike fat, proteins, and carbohydrates energy sources, alcohol is processed by your liver.

This is the reason many alcoholics and heavy drinkers experience liver damage. (hold on, we are getting there)

A bottle of distilled spirits per day would provide your body with approx 1,875 calories.

If you add a little food to that number you very quickly rise to a caloric intake where you will start putting on some serious weight.

So, if you are looking for low calories in wine look at the Alcohol content.

The higher the Alcohol level usually the higher the calories in wine.

If you’re looking for low-calorie wine, there are a few different drinks that you can go with.

There’s Beringer Blass Wine Estates, which is lower in calories and alcohol than their similar California wine counterparts.

They say that this is because the grapes in their wines were picked before they had time to build up a lot of sugar (less sugar, less alcohol = fewer calories in wine).

A 5-ounce glass of White Lie has 97 calories instead of the typical 115, and the alcohol level is 9.8% versus the typical 13%.

Bacardi’s Island Breeze is another drink that’s lower in calories because they use sucralose to sweeten the rum instead of the usual sugars.

The alcohol level is lower as well, as it’s 18% compared to the normal 35%.

There’s also a new alcohol that came out by the brand called The Mad Housewife and Two Wives and an online retailer named Lola that boasts the same low-calorie, lower-alcohol wines.

Consider yourself warned, though – drinking low-calorie wine (or following any kind of solely low-calorie diet) will not necessarily help you lose weight.


Wine Types and General Calorie Count

Wine (4 fl oz) Calories
Beaujolais 95
Bordeaux, red 95
Burgundy, red 95
Burgundy, white 90
Cabernet Sauvignon 90
Chablis 85
Champagne, dry 105
Champagne, pink 100
Chardonnay 90
Chianti 100
Liebfraumilch 85
Madeira 160
Marsala 80
Merlot 95
Mosell 100
Muscatel 160
Port, ruby 185
Port, white 170
Reisling 90
Rhone 95
Rose 95
Sangria 115
Sauterne 115
Sauvignon Blanc 80
Tokay 165
Zinfandel, red 90
Zinfandel, white 80


Low Calories in Wine

Eating low calories all the time will eventually make your weight loss stagnate because your body will get used to what you’re giving it and expect it.

And as soon as you put in more calories… you’ll gain weight.

The only thing that you’ll be able to do to lose weight is to eat LESS… and then you’ll start the same cycle all over again.

Calorie cycling is just the thing that you should look into.

It makes you switch your calories up constantly, so your body never knows what to expect, and it continues to churn out fat like a machine.

The bottom line is just enjoy your wine and don’t worry about the calories in wine.

Losing Weight is about the calories in your wine glass.

It’s more about the amount, not the calories in wine and the types of FOOD you eat and the exercise you Don’t Do.