Cardio Weight Loss, Aerobic Exercise, or Drugs?

Cardio Weight Loss, Aerobic Exercise, or Drugs?

cardio exercise drug

Cardio or more accurately aerobic and anaerobic exercises is the center for any weight loss program. You will lose weight by controlling what you eat and reducing the calories you consume. But your body was designed to burn the fat. You can only do that through cardio exercise and muscle mass.

Do you want to Lose Weight? Dieting is not enough!

You will lose weight by controlling what you eat and reducing the calories you consume.


Aerobic Exercise

cardio weight loss or more accurately Aerobic Exercise and Anaerobic Exercises is the Center for any weight loss program.

The root cause of excess body fat in nearly all cases is due to inactivity, poor nutrition and often a negative self-image.

Aerobic and Anabolic training – raises your metabolic rate. A higher metabolic rate burns more fat. This fat-burning continues when you are not exercising.

The fastest method to increase your energy level is through intense Aerobic and Anabolic training.


You have to spend energy to get more energy.

cardio weight loss

The exciting thing about this kind of exercise is the flood of energy that you feel afterward.

That’s the kind of addiction that everyone wants to have but few are willing to endure the initial misery most people experience when they begin any aerobic or anabolic training program.

It is possible to skip most of the initial misery if you begin any exercise program slowly and gradually condition your body for exercise.

The hell most people experience when they begin an exercise program is due to overexertion of an underused body.

Your muscles and organs need to be conditioned for exercise.

Jumping into any exercise program when your body is not ready is the best way to discourage yourself from exercising in the future.

So, begin slowly.


How often do you need to do cardio for maximum fitness?

If your body has not been conditioned for exercise forget about any serious cardio work until you have conditioned your body to handle the stress that comes with any serious and regular exercise program.

The quickest way to end any exercise program is to stress your body to the point of inactivity.



aerobic exercise

It is common for beginners and those who have not exercised recently to over-exercise and then experience massive pain and immobility due to severe muscle and tendon damage.


Your circulatory system

(this system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and lymph vessels that pump blood and lymph around your body)


your respiratory system

(the complete chemical and physical process in which oxygen is delivered to tissues or cells of your body and carbon dioxide and water are removed), organs and muscles must be prepared for serious exercise.

Five days a week is a good goal to shoot for. Give yourself a few months to reach this goal. Most people feel best with two days off a week; everyone should take at least one day of complete rest.

Be sure to increase your training gradually; don’t go longer, more often, and harder all at once. Otherwise, you increase your chances of injuring yourself.

In other words, it’s not a great idea to do three 20-minute workouts one week and then jump to three 45-minute workouts the next.

It’s more sensible to increase the time of just one of your workouts to 25 minutes and keep the others at 20.

The best approach is to increase no more than 10 percent each week.

So, if you walk 150 minutes one week, walk no more than 165 minutes the next.

Treat getting into good cardiovascular shape like a really important ongoing project.

You may struggle through the first session, maybe even the first five to ten. But if you stick with it three times a week for at least six weeks, you’ll start to notice dramatic changes. At that point, you’ll recover much more quickly from your workouts. Instead of going home and crashing on the couch, you may feel ready to go shopping or out for a walk.

You can get health benefits from very small amounts of Exercise. Even walking to work or class, or working around your home can have health benefits. But you get even greater health benefits from larger amounts of Exercise.


Are you having problems getting started?

There’s a better approach to burning calories. Choose an activity that you can sustain for a while, start with at least 10 or 15 minutes. Sure, running burns more calories than walking, but if running wipes you out after a half mile or bothers your knees, you’re better off walking.

You are more likely to continue with an exercise program that leaves you with energy, than one that leaves you stiff and unable to function.

Soreness is OK, it means your body was stressed ( that’s a good thing) but if you are miserable, chances are you will stop exercising.


Give your body time to heal and change.

You didn’t put on that extra weight overnight, it won’t come off overnight either.

The good news is that fat comes off faster than it goes on. If you work and feed your body that way it is designed to be fed and worked.


Beginners and Beyond.

Beginners should be able to walk for 20 minutes comfortably.

Once you have reached this exercise level it is time to increase your aerobic intensity.

Walk for 5 minutes to warm up then throw in a few minutes of slow running, allow 5 minutes of walking to cool down afterward; stretch when you’re done. After several months you should be able to jog continuously for 45 minutes.

If you can walk, you can jog. But since jogging is a higher-impact activity, it requires a greater level of fitness to do it safely. (If you’re 55 + or very obese then a reclining stationary bicycle is a safer and healthier option until you drop some weight and are in better shape to walk around your block.)

Three good reasons to pick up the pace when you exercise:

    • It’s easier than you think.
    • You’ll get fitter and healthier in no time.
    • You’ll reach your weight loss goals faster.


Depending on your goals, you probably need to mix in at least a couple of long workouts – an hour or more – per week.

Just make sure you don’t increase the length of your workouts by more than 10 percent a week; otherwise, your risk of injury increases.

Remember, You don’t want to go all-out every day, your body needs time to recover and heal.

Remember to treat getting into good cardiovascular shape like your life depends on it because it does.

Something to Remember, research has shown that Women who run more than 10 miles a week have slimmer waists, narrower hips, lower blood pressure, and lower body weight than do those who exercise less intensely. This also applies to Men.

Once your body becomes fit enough to run, 10 miles is not very far. It only takes a few 3-mile runs to reach that 10-mile-a-week milestone.


Anaerobic Exercise

anarobic exercise

When you begin any form of exercise, your body starts in an anaerobic state.

Anaerobic means ‘without air’, and refers to the energy exchange in living tissue that is independent of oxygen. Anaerobic’s are activities that are carried out ‘without oxygen’.

This terminology refers to the molecular level of respiration, not your respiration. During anaerobic exercise, your muscles which are being exercised have insufficient oxygen to meet the demands of the activity you are performing, and thus must also use alternate, non-oxygen-dependent processes to produce the energy they need to perform.

Your muscles still receive oxygen during anaerobic exercise, but the average drop in blood oxygen content throughout your body is minimal.


What is an Anaerobic Exercise?

An Anaerobic Exercise is a brief, high-intensity activity that can activate an anaerobic metabolism within your muscles.

Therefore, any exercise that consists of short exertion, and high-intensity movement is an anaerobic activity. Some examples of anaerobic exercises include :

    • weight lifting
    • sprinting
    • jumping


Anaerobic exercises are typically used by athletes in non-endurance sports to build power and by bodybuilders to build muscle mass.

Muscles that are trained anaerobically develop differently giving them greater performance in short duration-high intensity activities.


Anaerobic Weight Loss

aerobic weight loss

Anaerobic weight loss is achieved with this type of exercise which continues to burn more calories after the exercise is complete. The more muscle mass you have results in a greater number of calories being burned throughout your day.


There are two types of Anaerobic Energy Systems.

The ATP-CP energy system uses creatine phosphate as its main energy source, and the lactic acid system uses glucose.

Creatine Phosphate used by your ATP-CP energy system is produced in your liver and stored within your skeletal muscles.

An anaerobic exercise begins with your muscles utilizing stored creatine phosphate to generate the ATP that produces a muscle contraction. After several seconds, further ATP energy is made available to your muscles by metabolizing muscle glycogen or sugars in the blood to lactate.

During intense exercise, such as sprinting type activities, when the rate of energy demand is high, lactate is produced faster than the ability of the tissues to remove it and lactate concentration begins to rise.

Your lactic acid system is the dominant energy system during high to maximal-intensity exercises over short durations of up to about 1 minute.

Contrary to popular belief, this increased concentration of lactate does not directly cause acidosis, nor is it responsible for delayed onset muscle soreness (muscle pain or “burning”).

Lactic acid does not exist as an acid in the body: it exists in another form called “lactate”, and it is this that is measured in the blood when “lactic acid” concentration is determined.

It is a myth that lactic acid is the cause of the stiffness you feel after intense and long-duration exercises. Your Stiffness is due mostly to damage to your muscles, and not an accumulation of lactic acid or lactic acid crystals in your muscles.

Lactate is an important fuel that is used by your muscles during prolonged periods of exercise. Lactate released from your muscles is converted in your liver to glucose, which is then used as an energy source.

So rather than cause fatigue, it helps to delay a possible lowering of blood glucose concentration, a condition called hypoglycemia, which will cause you to feel weak and fatigued if it occurs.


Aerobic Exercise

cardio weightloss

Aerobic Exercises are centered around endurance activities, such as long-distance running or long-distance cycling. Aerobic exercise includes lower-intensity activities performed for longer periods.

These exercises require a great deal of oxygen to generate the energy needed for prolonged exercise.

Some Examples are :

    • Walking
    • Running
    • Swimming
    • Cycling


During extended periods of exercise your aerobic metabolism supplies the bulk of the energy your body uses.

Aerobic metabolism can utilize carbohydrates or fats, as well as lactic acid from your anaerobic metabolism for fuel, this releases larger amounts of energy.

To primarily work your aerobic system, long-duration training below your anaerobic threshold is recommended.


Aerobic Weight Loss

Aerobic weight loss is determined by the number of calories you burn and this depends on the intensity of your workout, your weight, your muscle mass, and your metabolism. In general, a beginner is capable of burning 4 or 5 calories per minute of exercise, while a very fit person can burn 10 to 12 calories per minute.

If you’re looking for aerobic weight loss don’t forget the secret called intensity.

aerobic weight loss

The key to successfully increasing your Aerobic Activity is getting your muscles, connective tissues, and joints accustomed to higher-intensity workouts by slowly introducing jogging and sprinting into your walking workouts.

Serious aerobic exercise training is a great way to boost your motivation to exercise, increase your self-esteem, and blast away 300-400 calories in 30 minutes.


Upgrade your shoes.

Because jogging involves more impact than walking does, it can be stressful on your joints. Running shoes are designed to help your feet absorb the impact from the ground properly and reduce the amount of shock your legs absorb.

Women’s breasts need special bounce protection against the impact they receive from jogging. Major athletic wear stores carry sports bras for every shape and size.

Remember to protect your feet and joints by seeking a softer surface to walk and run on such as dirt roads, jogging trails, treadmills, and even blacktop paths which have more cushioning than concrete sidewalks which are the hardest surfaces for your feet and joints.