Eat, Drink, Repeat, the Typical 24 hour Dining Experience

Eat, Drink, Repeat, the Typical 24 hour Dining Experience

Emotional Eating

For most Paleo enthusiasts, managing meals while juggling our busy lives is key to our health and fitness.

The Paleo Diet Team gives you the typical 24-hour dining experience from our family kitchen.

From appetizers to dessert here’s a look at how to keep it real daily.


Eat, Drink, Repeat.

Let’s start with dinner, where the foundation of the cycle begins.

Begin with an appetizer of fresh, organically grown veggies paired with wild, smoked salmon.


Follow up with a Do-It-Yourself salad made with crisp, organic greens tossed with the toppings of your choice.

By serving the toppings on the side, you can cover and save the leftovers in the fridge for your lunch the next day.

eat drink


The Main Meal

For the main meal, mix raw grass-fed beef or bison with rosemary, garlic and onions for barbecue ready patties.

Slice up some organic carrots and beets, mix with salt-free veggie seasoning and stir fry on low heat with a little extra virgin olive oil.


Eating more protein for weight loss



Finishing Your Meal

Finish your meal with a bowl of fresh, seasonal berries.



The Key: Prepare far more food than you and your family can eat for dinner! 

Cover and save in the fridge overnight.



Paleo Tip

For breakfast, the following day, pull out the leftovers, reheat the patties, add the sides, and have yourself a quick, healthy Paleo meal to launch your day.

Pack the rest for lunch and you are off to work, ready to tackle your day. It’s that simple!

All the Best,

Lorrie Cordain, M.Ed., Co-Author of The Paleo Diet Cookbook