How to Enjoy Mystic Monk Coffee and Lose Weight at the Same Time

How to Enjoy Mystic Monk Coffee and Lose Weight at the Same Time

The Weight-loss Chronicles of Lizzie, the Coffee Connoisseur

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Seattle, lived a vivacious woman named Lizzie.

Lizzie was known for her enchanting persona and her unabashed love for coffee. However, Lizzie had been struggling with weight issues and was on the lookout for an effective solution. She had tried everything, from grueling workouts to fad diets, but to no avail.

lizzie coffeeOne day, while scrolling through her feed, she stumbled upon an article about the possible health benefits of drinking coffee – particularly, Mystic Monk Coffee.

Intrigued and slightly skeptical, she decided to give it a try. She ordered a pack of the famous Mystic Monk Coffee, roasted by real monks in a monastery in Wyoming.

Each morning, Lizzie started her day with the aromatic and rich Mystic Monk Coffee. She relished it, cherishing not just the flavors but also the thought that she was contributing to a noble cause.

Days turned into weeks and something miraculous happened.

Lizzie started shedding weight. The coffee, it seemed, was doing what no diet or workout had managed. It was not just the caffeine, but also her newfound positive attitude and disciplined lifestyle, spurred by the Mystic Monk Coffee, that were working wonders.

As her scales showed decreasing numbers, her love for coffee grew even more profound.

Her weight-loss journey became the talk of the town, inspiring many and turning her into a local celebrity. Lizzie became the living testament to the magic of Mystic Monk Coffee.

Today, she’s known not just as the coffee connoisseur but also as the woman who lost weight, one coffee cup at a time.

So, here’s to Lizzie, her love for coffee, and her inspiring love affair with coffee!

How to Enjoy Mystic Monk Coffee and Lose Weight at the Same Time…

Mystic Monk Coffee

Mystic Monk Coffee is not your ordinary coffee brand.

It is roasted by real monks in a monastery in Wyoming, who use their coffee sales to fund their religious life and build a Gothic church.

With dozens of flavors and blends to choose from, Mystic Monk Coffee offers a unique and delicious experience for coffee lovers.

But what makes this coffee even more special is its potential health benefits.

According to recent studies, drinking more coffee could help you keep the weight off and lower your risk of diabetes.

How does Mystic Monk Coffee do that? Read on to find out.

Here are the main points in detailed bullet form:

    • A new study by Imperial College London found that higher blood caffeine levels are associated with lower body mass index and lower risk of type two diabetes.
    • The study suggested that the speed at which caffeine is metabolized by an enzyme could affect weight, with slower metabolizers having higher plasma caffeine levels and lower weight.
    • The study surveyed close to 10,000 people who were taking part in six longer-term studies, and used genetic variants to determine the caffeine metabolism rate.
    • The study did not recommend changing coffee habits yet, as more research is needed and drinking more coffee could have negative effects on sleep quality and heart health.
    • Other studies have also shown that drinking more coffee could help with weight loss by stimulating fat burning, increasing metabolic rate, and suppressing appetite.
    • Mystic Monk Coffee is a brand of coffee roasted by real monks in Wyoming, who use their coffee sales to fund their religious life and build a Gothic church.
    • Mystic Monk Coffee offers dozens of flavors and blends to choose from, using the best flavoring oils and beans from around the world.

Biggest Takeaway

If you love coffee, you may have more reasons to enjoy it than just the taste and aroma.

Coffee could help you lose weight and lower your risk of diabetes by affecting your caffeine levels in the blood.

However, don’t go overboard with your coffee intake, as it could also harm your sleep and heart.

And if you want to support a good cause while sipping your coffee, check out Mystic Monk Coffee, a brand roasted by real monks in Wyoming.


Expert sources and tips feature in this article…

If you want to learn more about how drinking more coffee could help you keep the weight off, you can check out these related stories:

    • How to stimulate your fat-burning cells with caffeine, according to a 2019 study in Scientific Reports. Click here to read more.
    • Why drinking four cups of coffee a day could reduce your body fat by 4%, according to 2020 research by Harvard researchers. Click here to read more.
    • How to avoid the negative effects of drinking too much coffee, such as sleep problems and heart issues, according to Dr Dipender Gill from Imperial College London. Click here to read more.
    • How to support Carmelite monks in Wyoming by buying their Mystic Monk Coffee, a brand that offers dozens of flavors and blends. Click here to get it on Amazon.

Learn more:

1. womenshealthmag.com2. aol.com3. eatthis.com4.

source: How drinking more coffee could help you keep the weight off