Snooki Weight Loss, What is Snooki’s Weight Loss Secret?

Snooki Weight Loss, What is Snooki’s Weight Loss Secret?

Snooki Weight Loss

Snooki’s tells how she lost 15 lbs.

Snooki weight loss was no accident.

Watch the video below to see how Snooki explains the two secrets she acted on to lose weight.

Snooki the Jersey Shore Star is looking better than ever and she tells how she lost those 15 lbs in just a short time.

Believe it or not, Snooki actually realized she needed to lose some weight.

Watch the video to learn more from Snooki about her weight loss plan.

Maybe it will be something that will help you to lose weight too!


Snooki Weight Loss 2011

Click the PLAY BUTTON above

Snooki recently Twitter a snapshot of herself looking busty and surprisingly thin in her bedroom mirror.

The rumor mill has been giving credit for Snooki’s weight loss to her new trainer. But she spilled the news that it was exercise and Zantrex-3 Fat Burner, an “extreme energy” supplement popular among bodybuilders and college students.

And then a slimmed-down Snooks was caught outside her gym with a bottle of Zantrex Fat Burner, So what is Snooki’s real diet secret: the trainer, or the pills?


Snooki Weight Loss Pills

So is Snooki’s Weight Loss due to the Pills she has been seen with and talked about?

Snooki is currently seen on the Zantex website pushing their weight loss pills.

Is Snooki just pushing the marketing of some weight loss pill or is she for real?

While Snooki hasn’t officially addressed the rumors surrounding her obvious weight loss, our best guess is that it’s a bit of both.

She’s definitely been benefiting from regular visits with her personal trainer, but it hardly seems insignificant that Snooki actually walks around with a bottle of Zantrex in her bag.


Snooki Weight Loss Before and After

Snooki Weight Loss
Snooki Weight Loss

Since her weight loss ‘Jersey Shore’ star Snooki knows she looks good and she is flaunting her body as much as possible.

The star, whose real name is Nicole Polizzi, made headlines last week after revealing a fresh face without makeup and this week she is at it again.

Snooki Weight Loss, But for How Long

We all know that losing weight is easier when your young and being on National TV is a great incentive to lose weight, but will Snooki keep the weight off?

Snooki Weight Loss might soon be a fad of the past.