Which Libido Supplements Gets It Up & Keeps It Up

Which Libido Supplements Gets It Up & Keeps It Up


Millions Will Soon Abandon High-Priced Drugs With Harmful Side Effects In Favor Of This Shocking, All-Natural, Secret Method To Jack Your Sex Drive And Slash Your Blood Pressure!

Are you taking libido supplements?

Do you need to know what libido supplements work?

There are several things you can do before you turn to drugs.

Are You Ready To Look Incredibly Hot? Your Friends Will Say OMG!

Men: High blood pressure can radically decrease your sex drive, your libido, and your ability to have and sustain an erection.

Ladies: high blood pressure can DESTROY your sexual urges and make you feel like you are just “past your prime.” even moderately high blood pressure dramatically affects you sexually!

Tell me if you can relate to the following experience:

A long week of work has finally reached its end. Sure, the week was difficult, but the main reason for its lengthiness was due to anticipation — anticipation of what the weekend held in store.

All weekends are great. But this weekend was billed to be WAY above average.

Why? Because you were spending it with your significant other, away from it all, in one of the finest of hotels your city has to offer. And if a little bit of luck was on your side, it would turn out to be one of the more memorable “experiences” of a lifetime — ahem, if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

Turns out, things didn’t go as planned. The hotel was great, and the decor was to die for, but The Five Dreaded Words were spoken, the ones that always put the kibosh on a romantic night of lovemaking: “I’m not in the mood.”

Each one of us has either felt or heard these words spoken before, and whether you’re the giver or the receiver, it’s never pleasant.

Sex is a HUGE part of a relationship, and when opportunities for lovemaking go by the wayside, it frequently diminishes forthcoming opportunities — whether it’s due to fear of the same thing happening again, or the lowering of expectations.

The key, of course, is to have that “motivation” within you at all times so those Five Dreaded Words are never spoken. Here’s a small helping of ways in which to keep your libido lifted so you can avoid the 5DW 


Skeptics argue that keeping one’s libido lifted through diet is a self-fulfilling prophecy; in other words, if you think almonds or chocolate will lift your libido, odds are good they will.

But scientific evidence — not psychosomatic hogwash — suggests that certain foods do, indeed, lift one’s libido.

For example, a study from Southwestern University found that coffee beans lift the libido of females. For men, the love-lifting libation is tea, specifically Damiana tea.

Alternative health expert Dr. Sarah Brewer says the ingredient responsible for increasing male libido in this tea is called gonzalitosin. This ingredient sends a tingling sensation to the penis.


As a man, all I can say is, “Say no more!”




Supplementing with vitamins and minerals is, hopefully, a normal part of your daily regimen, but specific supplements provide a great boost to your sex drive.


John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort has a multitude of benefits — from improving one’s mood to improving one’s mind — and those benefits can be found in the bedroom.

Because of its mood-improving properties, studies have shown that 60 percent of people formerly uninterested in sex regained their interest after taking St. John’s Wort.


ginseng and gingko biloba

On for size (and no, I don’t mean that kind of size). Ginseng is one of the earliest herbs to be widely marketed in the United States, and it’s taken by millions of people regularly for the natural boost of energy it provides.

So for people whose energy levels leave them pooped time comes for whoopee, ginseng is just the thing.

As for ginkgo biloba, this oddly-named herb stimulates blood flow throughout the body and brain (which explains why it’s taken by those who have a hard time remembering things).

As blood flow improves its flow throughout the body, it serves as the perfect elixir for those who have a hard time getting a, shall we say, “hard on.

Research published in the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy found that men who took ginkgo biloba regularly were able to maintain erections after six months (granted, ginkgo biloba is not an overnight healer, but the improvement took place, and it took place without the negative side effects that always accompany male impotency drugs).

A low libido may feel like something that’s out of your hands; something that will come back on its own in its own due course. That may be the case, but more often than not, it can be through our everyday actions and lifestyle.

For more information on the “Why?” and “How?” of libido, you may want to check out a great new website I’ve discovered. You’ll discover some of the hidden reasons why your libido has been slumping for so long, but more importantly, how to get it on the upswing quickly, painlessly, and naturally.

By the time your next weekend getaway comes around, you’ll thank me (and your partner will thank you).

Go to their website now, where you’ll get a crash course on how this issue has affected me personally; more information on the links between what’s ‘down there’ and hypertension; and most important of all, how you can improve the health of your body and your relationship…all-naturally.

Don’t wait until she say’s “I Want It Now”

Source: thirdage.com/sex/23-ways-to-lift-your-libido